Wednesday, April 6, 2011


We are growing our "edible garden" in our rural, yet not home that came complete with chicken coop/run. So what did we do? We added some cute little hens that will hopefully some day soon give us more eggs than know what to do with. We have been to the feed store to see the mass amount of chicks they have on "chick days" before, but this year we were going to pick our chicks. They grew from fuzzy little puff balls to tinny little hens soo fast! And Kaitlyn's first word after "this" was "Chicken". She lights up when she sees them. Above is Bitty, our littlest chick

Baby Cakes

And Bat Man. Can you guess who named Bat Man? And yes, Bat Man is a girl.
Pics taken once a week.

Bitty turned out to be not the type of chick they said she was. She came in all curly, which is still cute.
A comb!
Our chickys have chicken butts!

And of course sense Bitty was not the chick they said she was, we added one that was. This is Bunny, who will lay blue eggs! Hopefully soon.
And finally they are big enough to go outside. This was one of the first times they went out in the little pen we don't use any more. They have run of the back yard all day, and go in the covered coop at night.
They are great for our organic garden loaded with slugs. They bop around eating bugs and pulling weeds. They are funny to watch going about their chicken business, and the kids love them.
Who would have thought, pet chickens. They are cute though.

1 comment:

The Montgomerys said...

i bet your kids are in heaven with all those chicks! how fun!